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Canada is becoming a lonely place, maybe that’s good news for the food packaging industry

Date:2019-03-20 Hits:

The number of households in Canada with only one person has never been higher. It appears Canada is catching up to the rest of the Western world. More than 28 per cent of Canadian households are home to one person only. That’s almost four million households. Many expect that number to reach five million in just a few years.Canadians are increasingly living alone. Having ignored this trend for a long time, many industries are now adapting to it, including the food packaging industry.

Many will have already noticed how much the ready-to-eat counter in grocery stores has expanded in recent years. In some cases, the space required to accommodate ready-to-eat solutions has doubled, allowing some grocery stores to turn into small cafeterias. Many grocers are increasingly mastering this merging of food retailing and food service, also known as the “grocerant” concept. Some grocers have even placed park benches between aisles so that people can sit and chat, if only for a while. The grocery store is becoming a place where you can meet and interact with other people over coffee or even lunch, and without paying too much for your food.

Selling single servings can generate more profits for grocers and the food industry. Instead of losing money on shrinking package sizes while retail prices remain idle (also known as “shrinkflation”), the wide assortment of single serving food products can magically increase profits per unit sold. With these single servings, food waste for single dwellers is less of an issue. Buying only what is needed is a sound strategy. That said, single servings can increase plastic usage, and of course, waste. This is something the industry will need to address as more people want to buy single servings. Green and compostable packaging solutions are proactively sought-after by most grocers these days as substitutes for the plastics that are required to keep food safe while increasing convenience offered to Canadians.

Green food packaging is in line with the trend of the world's future industry development. BST adopts self-developed pulp tableware production equipment and is constantly moving to every place in the world. On the one hand, BST uses science and technology to drive the economic development of customers' enterprises. On the other handstriving for global green development, reduce white pollution and improve the quality of human living environment.

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